Thursday, July 14, 2016

"It gives the idea that all the flawlessness of human progress

history channel documentary science In old times there were the Mystery Schools that taught to the chose few the laws and mysteries of Nature and the Universe. History has recorded various of these schools and sanctuaries of exclusive learning among which were the secrets of Isis, Sabazius, Cybele, Eleusis, Orpheus, Mithra, Asar-Hapi, and Odin. To express the mission and motivation behind these otherworldly organizations we can do no superior to cite the famous Freemason, Robert Macoy:

"It gives the idea that all the flawlessness of human progress, and all the headway made in logic, sciences, and craftsmanship among the people of yore are because of those foundations which, under the shroud of secret, tried to light up the sublimest truths of religion, profound quality, and righteousness, and inspire them on the heart of the supporters. Their main item was to instruct the tenet of one God, the revival of man to the endless life, the respect of the human soul, and to lead the general population to see the shadow of the god, in the excellence, eminence, and quality of the universe."

Inside some of these Mystery schools, when the applicant is initially started and acknowledged as an amateur, he or she is regularly given a representation of a human hand loaded with typical pictures to mull over. This hand is alluded to as the Hand of the Philosopher, or the Hand of the Mysteries. At the point when these images are comprehended, they give the amateur the keys to encourage the change of their lower nature into heavenly nature - from man to god. Recovery, transmutation, and strengthening are the result of the utilization of the laws and rule that these antiquated images speak to. Among the numerous privileged insights that they depict, they show how one may collective with one's Holy Guardian Angel, or one's Higher Self. The expert of the insider facts of the Mysteries experience a resurrection as an aftereffect of the developing impact and articulation of the Higher Self in regular cognizance.

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