Thursday, June 30, 2016

Middle Easterners in History by Bernard Lewis: Harper and Row - 1966 modified version.

history channel documentary Middle Easterners in History by Bernard Lewis: Harper and Row - 1966 modified version. After perusing that, one may say that terrorism is in the Islamic blood.Muslims today depict Allah as adoring and kind yet commit every devotee to obey at whatever point one of Allah's "representative" requires a jihad or sacred war. Coincidentally, as indicated by Paul Harvey on Friday, August 19, 2005, Pakistani schools are currently instructing "Jihad" to their youngsters. Since Allah is not the unrivaled genuine adoring God of which the Bible talks, self-destructive terrorists were without a doubt most offensively astounded on September 11, 2001 after they brought on the very planes on which they set out to collide with American structures. Shock! They had trusted every one of their lives that they would go into Paradise and live cheerfully ever after with Allah and Muhammad and a flock of virgins. They had placed "confidence in confidence" as opposed to placing confidence in Jesus Christ.

The object of one's confidence is of most extreme significance. On the off chance that Jesus had been that article, as opposed to the Islamic Spirit of Religion, these assaults could never have happened. If it is not the Holy Spirit who we permit to lead and guide us, SOME soul WILL readily fill that position. Spirits of Religion, Murder, Chaos and others, all work as one through Islam as they dispatch their steady attacks against humankind around the world. These devilish spirits know us entirely well and center their assaults upon humankind's religious nature, i.e., our craving to satisfy a divine force or something to that affect with an end goal to get his gifts and supports ... despite that god's ruthless tendencies.But you see, in that spot is the place most Christians lose their effect in otherworldly fighting: the lion's share of us don't BELIEVE in devil spirits as being considerably more than minor images of underhandedness.

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